Some Of The Best Pinterest Boards For Women

By Tammie Caldwell

Social networking is definitely a 21st century phenomenon. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are only a few examples of the platforms that allow individuals to cross paths with others, all over the world, of a similar interest and, before long, they have woven new friends into the fabric of their lives. This article will focus on finding out what are the best Pinterest boards for women.

Early development work on Pinterest started in 2009. Developers wanted a site where visitors could save images and stick them onto various notice boards. In 2012, a survey was conducted and the most popular types of board were those devoted to home, style and fashion, food, and crafts and arts. Users have the facility to share their pins and boards with their friends and followers on other social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Things like home, art, fashion and recipes are very important to the female gender, they have other important interests, too. Women work and they like to compare notes with people who are in the same profession as themselves. Therefore, ladies are just as likely to look at pins about welding or commercial fishing as they are about knitting and baking. There are female fire fighters, lifeguards, forklift operators. And, come to think of it, men are interested in recipes and fashion, too.

Social networking via sites like Pinterest offer people the chance to liaise with others in their profession. Lawyers, doctors, ministers and bartenders all meet to chat over the virtual water cooler. Professionals all over the world are now able to share ideas and collaborate with one another at the speed of light without ever having to leave their homes and offices.

Men and ladies alike are always looking for dating advice. On Pinterest, wise pins reveal the 32 signs that you've got a keeper, seven must-do's while you are dating and 52 text message love bombs.

Being an equal opportunity website, Pinterest has a section for the LGBT crowd. If you are looking for memorabilia posters from India's gay rights movement, this is the place. This is also the place to find templates for gay wedding invitations, jokes about coming out and scientific facts to test yourself and find out if you are a closet straight.

Fitness is another hugely popular topic. Pinterest is chock full of ideas for trimming thunder thighs, ways to burn a single pound or three-minute workouts for the arms. This forum allows you to search for multiple topics, so typing "fitness" and "LGBT" into the search box gives you ads about LGBT running shoes, and American foods that are banned in other countries.

This is also the place to find out what your friends are reading and watching on the box when they think nobody is looking. There are compilations of books that have bizarre plot twists, books to read before you go to see the film and the films of books you have read. While you are busy pinning everybody else's favourite goodies, don't forget to share your own.

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