The Arrival Of Apple's New Full-Screen, In-App Video Ads

By Adam Musa

According to several reports, Apple is planning to debut full-screen, TV-like video commercials that launch automatically on iOS devices, including the iPad and iPhone, later this year. The iAds mobile ad network will be used to manage the new video ads.

The new full-screen ads are going to be a big change from Apple's currents mobile ads, which are limited to small banner ads, which a user has to click on in order to play the associated video commercial, and iTunes Radio audio ads. Many iOS users are worried that the new ads are going to be far too interruptive.

Some people are getting particularly annoyed about the prospect of being forced to view video ads between different levels in gaming apps, as being distracted from gameplay is never a good thing. Many people are also worried about the prospect of the ads containing loud audio tracks, which could disrupt others if an iOS device is being used in a public place without headphones plugged in.

The iAd network was introduced in 2010 to allow app developers to earn some money from the iOS platform. However, the network has not been very successful, as many iOS users have installed AdBlock to avoid having to view any of the iAd network banner ads. It is though that the new full-screen video ads will be more difficult to block or avoid.

Apple are said to be introducing the new full-screen video ads in an attempt to attract new advertisers to the iAds network and to encourage existing advertisers to spend more money. As of yet, Apple has not released any details about the cost of the new video ads. It is safe to say that Apple will be hoping to attract many major advertising partners, such as Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Nissan and McDonald's.

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