Does Email Marketing Work In 2013?

By Joseph Stan

Since the year 2000 many internet marketers said that the money is in the list, email marketing still rules and is still one of the top ways to build long term income by leveraging the power of email lists. In this article my goal is to give you a few pointers to help you achieve a higher level of success with your marketing efforts. One quick tip that most companies don't do is using email templates, when people see your own professional logo and design they are less likely to delete your emails and so giving you a higher open rate.

It's important that are certain you are sending correspondence only to those eager to receive it. When you do a mass mailing to random recipients, they are often received in a spam filter. They won't know who you are, and then they will think about whether they care at all about the actual content or your email. They're likely to delete your email, wasting everyone's time, so mass spamming is not the way to get customers.

When the time comes to actually write a promotional email is important that you make your subject line short and sweet. Misleading subject lines will most likely get you a lot of unhappy subscribers, be honest and to the point with what you are offering. Remember even with email marketing honestly is still the best policy.

But perhaps one of the worst mistakes you need to avoid is adding people to your list without their permission. Make sure that the leads you get into your subscriber base are because they opted in. If there's something you don't want is having to reply to a bunch of angry subscribers who didn't ask to receive anything from you.

By now you should have a few ideas on what you can do and what you can't do when it comes to email marketing. Hopefully these tips help you get better results, remember the more people you get on your list the more potential sales you have down the road. Apply these tips and get to work.

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