Guide To DIN Rail Fiber Optic Patch Panel

By Lucia Weeks

The wiring of patchbay is designed so as to group together in a logical manner, by the type and use, all wiring connected, so that it is easy to test them, monitor them or interconnect, with a greater flexibility of use with respect to a fixed installation. Disconnecting electric utilities, for connections to a plant's theatrical stage lights (DIN Rail Fiber Optic Patch Panel).

The main purpose of wiring is disconnected to allow the realization of different connections between the signals in a simple and cheap, avoiding the use of more complex tools switching. An early form of patchbay is with the manual telephone exchanges, in which the connections were made manually. With time, this use has been abandoned in favor ofutomatic switching systems.

In early days of telephony conversations were manually made by telephone operators by the interlocutors were connected via plug cable. The operators were able to connect with headsets set directly on the patchbay to terminals. The audio and video patchbays enable the flexible cabling of signal outputs and inputs, for example, the outputs of a mixer to a recording device or the insertion of effects units. Moreover, it is possible to intercept signals at various points in order to identify about sources of error.

In common practice, in any case, the patchbay and matrix coexist, generally by cutting all the inputs and outputs of matrix. This allows to realize simple by-pass in case of emergency. There is also the advantage of not having to put in array signals used rarely, if necessary, that are still available on the patchbay.

This is useful, for example when the microphone input of a mixer, where, according to microphone often a preamplifier (integrated in mixer or external), an equalizer and a compressor in a row are connected. Each trail with each other via a socket pair distribution box is completed, the output of previous device is usually above, the input of next down.

The modular structure allows to compose patchbay capable of routing connections of different types of signals on same panel, saving space if the number of signals is limited. Typically, in a panel on top rack unit can accommodate 24/26 modules. You can make a panel with, for example, video connections 8, 10 and 6 serial audio.

Naturally it is not possible to cross between them two types of different signals. As a general rule, although it is not a fixed rule, the top line of panel receives incoming connections to patchbay (and then the outputs of machines), while the lower sends outgoing connections (and therefore to inputs machines ).

Depending on use, there are three types of disconnectors, whose normalization of signals may be absent or complete, or it may be disconnectors. The normalization indicates the way in which the elements of single module are wired internally. In a form without normalization, a rope is required for the transit of signal (or a dedicated short cable to U), while in a normalized form the input signal to patch panel is always connected to corresponding output.

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