Each sensor only records the information on a light color. Then just saving and restoring the three RGB components of a color monitor that supports three RGB inputs: there are three signals instead of one. Not only should they triple all cable connections between devices, but also triple the recording tracks on a VCR, triple all online videos and games production equipment.
And the rest of the world uses PAL or Phase Alteration Line (distinction of the two differences and sent along with different phases). The chrominance signal is a subcarrier luminance. The number of lines, the scanning speed, the type of positive or negative signal to the issue are part of standards according to country and has nothing to do with color diffusion standards (PAL, SECAM, MESECAM and NTSC).
It was forbidden to have a black and white camera and a color camera. It was necessary to make the b/w from the three RGB components. Based on the sensitivity of eyes to different colors, the experts took 59% green, 30% red and 11% blue. They had just invented a new term: the luminance (Y). B/w TVs could therefore see black and white images from a color camera.
This represents a difference of 49 lines at 50 Hz and 45 lines for 60 Hz. Those lost lines are necessary, they represent the time required for the electron beam scanning the CRT can be traced from the bottom of an image to the top. This technical problem does not exist with LCD panels and plasma panels, but retained for compatibility.
This problem is partially solved by means of a birefringent crystal blades that spread out the details by splitting light rays. This results in a loss of definition, which gives the PAL and SECAM systems vertical resolution multiplied by 0.7 (Kell factor), which is not actually that of approximately 400 lines. When the display is not interlaced, the term progressive applies.
These solutions were found and implemented. Thus were developed in the United States (NTSC0, SECAM in France and PAL in Germany. Coding transforms RGB black/white color-compatible signal. NTSC, PAL and SECAM are three types of mutually incompatible encodings. Transformation from one type of encoding to another is called transcoding. None of the three solutions is nevertheless transparent, far from it. A transcoded signal suffers from more or less visible defects depending on the coding artifacts.
An encoded signal of the kind is stated in a composite video signal, because it contains several different types of sources. Video standards use the composite range from U-MATIC / U-MATIC SP HSV through the 8mm or Video 8, Betamax, the VCR or the V2000. In view of damage caused by coding, it became urgent to absolve production. In the early 1980s, Sony devised a video format with separate components consisting of several distinct signals conveyed by separate cables: Betacam / Betacam SP.
Engineers used the additive synthesis of red, green and blue (contrary paper absorbs light and uses the compound of subtractive cyan, magenta and yellow) Red, green and blue are the primary colors of additive synthesis. Similarly, the cyan, magenta and yellow are the primary subtractive colors. Shooting in color is done through an optical prism, which splits light on three sensors, otherwise there is red, green and blue filters.
And the rest of the world uses PAL or Phase Alteration Line (distinction of the two differences and sent along with different phases). The chrominance signal is a subcarrier luminance. The number of lines, the scanning speed, the type of positive or negative signal to the issue are part of standards according to country and has nothing to do with color diffusion standards (PAL, SECAM, MESECAM and NTSC).
It was forbidden to have a black and white camera and a color camera. It was necessary to make the b/w from the three RGB components. Based on the sensitivity of eyes to different colors, the experts took 59% green, 30% red and 11% blue. They had just invented a new term: the luminance (Y). B/w TVs could therefore see black and white images from a color camera.
This represents a difference of 49 lines at 50 Hz and 45 lines for 60 Hz. Those lost lines are necessary, they represent the time required for the electron beam scanning the CRT can be traced from the bottom of an image to the top. This technical problem does not exist with LCD panels and plasma panels, but retained for compatibility.
This problem is partially solved by means of a birefringent crystal blades that spread out the details by splitting light rays. This results in a loss of definition, which gives the PAL and SECAM systems vertical resolution multiplied by 0.7 (Kell factor), which is not actually that of approximately 400 lines. When the display is not interlaced, the term progressive applies.
These solutions were found and implemented. Thus were developed in the United States (NTSC0, SECAM in France and PAL in Germany. Coding transforms RGB black/white color-compatible signal. NTSC, PAL and SECAM are three types of mutually incompatible encodings. Transformation from one type of encoding to another is called transcoding. None of the three solutions is nevertheless transparent, far from it. A transcoded signal suffers from more or less visible defects depending on the coding artifacts.
An encoded signal of the kind is stated in a composite video signal, because it contains several different types of sources. Video standards use the composite range from U-MATIC / U-MATIC SP HSV through the 8mm or Video 8, Betamax, the VCR or the V2000. In view of damage caused by coding, it became urgent to absolve production. In the early 1980s, Sony devised a video format with separate components consisting of several distinct signals conveyed by separate cables: Betacam / Betacam SP.
Engineers used the additive synthesis of red, green and blue (contrary paper absorbs light and uses the compound of subtractive cyan, magenta and yellow) Red, green and blue are the primary colors of additive synthesis. Similarly, the cyan, magenta and yellow are the primary subtractive colors. Shooting in color is done through an optical prism, which splits light on three sensors, otherwise there is red, green and blue filters.