Factors To Consider When Choosing A Wireless USB Charger

By Johny Jacson

The wireless USB charger is one of the newest innovations in the mobile device industry. More and more users are turning to wireless chargers simply because these are extremely convenient to use, even when traveling.

Because of the increasing number of brands and models that you can get in the market, it could be quite daunting to choose which particular charger to go with.

QI technology is a new interface standard developed to transfer electrical power through induction up to a maximum of 4 centimeters. The Qi inductive power transfer system consists of a compatible receiver to be paired with a power transmission pad.

When the Qi-enabled device is placed on the transmission pad, the battery is charged through resonant inductive coupling.

The reverse is true; just because a charger is affordable, it does not mean it cannot perform well. The key thing here is to look for a reasonably-priced wireless USB charger that does not compromise quality, like Vority Ki+4, the first combined 4-USB-port and wireless charger.

The Vority Combined Qi-Standard wireless USB charger is currently a separate-purchase peripheral as the USB-corded ones are still the standard issued charger to be used on these devices.

So what is so good about this so-called Qi technology other than being a new toy for tech savvy individuals today? Here are a few comparisons on the features that were combined in the USB wireless charger:

Both the wireless USB charger and the wall adapters all fall within the low power rating of 5W maximum. That means all devices that charge within this range can use a charger equipped with Qi technology receivers. Because this is one of the most common power requirements among today's tech devices, these two can be used for many of the popular gadgets in use by the masses.

After evaluating specifications, look into the design as well. keep in mind that your wireless charger will be easily seen when you use it, so make sure you get one that fits your tastes. Similarly, if you will be keeping the wireless charger in just one place like a table or a shelf, find one that will look good with the surroundings. Aside from the aesthetic factor, consider the size and weight of the charger as well. Obviously, smaller and lighter ones are better if you intend to use it while traveling.

With many of the devices used with these chargers being part of a person's default electronic arsenal, they are often charged either during the night or every morning before leaving the house. Without having to worry about tripping the wires that connect the USB wireless charger, phones can be picked up in a hurry without disrupting anything.

There are new charging devices released in the market that feature both the USB type and the Qi-tech wireless type in one package, like the Vority combined Qi-standard and USB charger.

With this, you wouldn't have to keep on charging your devices in different outlets all over the house. You'll have them all charged with one USB wireless charger in one place. You wouldn't have to worry about that mobile you've placed on its Qi-standard pad either. The charger is made to work at full speed for all five devices without overheating and affecting the device you'll place on top of it for inductive power charging.

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